March 2011 Budget and Goals

I’m going to try posting my budget at the beginning of every month and see how I do at the end of the month.  I like to plan ahead (reasonably), and what better way than through a budget and written goals?


This month won’t be under $1,000.  I’ve got volleyball fee’s and a weekend trip to Hamilton to visit my sister, refilling my MAC blotting powder, and possibly a weekend trip with BF.  I’m always unsure if I should include travel with the rest of my expenditures.


  • Send in my taxes (I’m done my taxes, just waiting for my forms to come in).
  • Complete my reference forms for professional designation.
  • Incorporate more legumes in my diet.
  • Cook quinoa.
  • Exercise 2 times a week in addition to volleyball.

On another note, I’m so glad that March is FINALLY here.  The winter blahs have gotten to me, and I am so ready for warmer weather and longer days.  I hope to start riding my bike more and incorporate exercise on my way to work (i.e., walking / biking).

How is your budget looking for March?  Do you like writing down your goals?



Filed under Budget, Goals

8 responses to “March 2011 Budget and Goals

  1. I love writing down my goals, but I’ve been feeling a major lack of motivation lately so didn’t set any for February.
    I want to try quinoa, I still haven’t!

  2. Kim

    I don’t usually write down my goals but I keep a list of broader goals in mind – e.g. pay off debt ASAP, build up small eFund, no shopping unless I find something I LOOOVE. I find that when I did write down stuff, things don’t usually pan out as planned, maybe because I’m not a good planner.

    March is a 3-pay months for me. So the majority of 1 pay is going towards my debt, the majority of another pay is going straight into my efund, and the third one, I think I’ll keep around 500 for my monthly expenses (not including rent), 300 for shopping (I’m due for some spring updates in my wardrobe), and the little $ that remains will go towards eFund and debt in equal shares.

  3. I just started writing down and really thinking about my goals. My goal for March is to have a no-shopping month and I think writing it down helps remind me to resist the temptation.

    Quinoa is delicious! I love it! I made it this week and made a super yummy salad with it. It goes great with feta cheese. Leftover quinoa makes a great breakfast too, warmed up with some milk, cinnamon and brown sugar.

  4. I used to budget and set monthly goals, but I’ve kind of let that fall by the wayside. What that has cut down on was monthly disappointment since I have no goals at which to fail. Actually, let me not sound like a vagabond. I guess I’ve just shifted my focus to school and work.

  5. I don’t really have monthly goals (although maybe I should), but I keep my 2011 goals in mind. At the end of March I will probably do a Q1 goal check in to see how I am doing. This year is passing by so quickly.. I can’t believe we are into spring already!

  6. Pingback: Review: Magic Bullet | fabulously fru-girl

  7. Pingback: March 2011 Recap | fabulously fru-girl

  8. Pingback: Stay-cation Recap | fabulously fru-girl

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